Cool Best Modern Wall Decor

Wallpaper is wall coverings innovations which made of vinyl. It has many shades vary greatly. Color and design is also more attractive. Starting off with plain colors, simple patterns such as lines and curves. Another patterns such as floral, polka dots and even some recent innovations is wallpaper that can be glowed in the dark. From the price, the difference is not significant compared with the price of paint. However, the impression that appear much better than paint which tend monotone.

Complex modes are offered from wallpaper design can’t be generated when you use the paint. That is one reason for choosing wallpaper for the wall decorations. The diversity of style and color choices are also easy wall adapted to the concept of overall home interior, so it can be felt the theme of the house that more alive. Wallpaper gives impression of modern feels, creative, independent and elegant.

Ideas Modern Japanese Geisha Art Wallpaper For Stunning Silent Decor Cool Best Modern Wall Decor

We summarize several benefits the use of wallpaper compared with wall paint:

1. Wallpaper has a lot of colors, motifs, patterns and themes. So the wall can be explore anytime as the owner wish and more expressive. While the paint, instead.

Ideas Black Red Rebel Theme With Urban Mural Wallpaper Cool Best Modern Wall Decor

2. Wallpaper durability: 8-10 years. While the wall paint: 2 years.

3. Installation or replacement of the wallpaper does not create dust, odor and not time consuming. While the re-painting, will give rise to dust and require repeated cladding. Then, more cost and time required.

4. Wallpaper can be used to covered the cracks and un-perfect work on the wall. While the paint can’t do that.

Here we have many collection of wallpaper designs from the original Italian designer: Giovanni Pagani who has been working with Wall & Deco. Combined with sexy and characteristized model, making the whole designs have the expensive effect and high artistic value.


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